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Kit Kat Deliverables

Objective: Come up with two or three ideas to develop your print ads for your subculture. Create a series of 3 deliverables.

Your subculture is POC who value natural ingredients and you must advertise the brand KitKat. You may create your own product if you wish!

This poster is meant to be placed in a coffee shop. I designed it similarly to a movie poster and displayed the ingredients proudly.

I went with a simple approach for the introduction of the All-Natural KitKat product! I used KitKat’s current slogan and added “better” to emphasize the better quality of the ingredients in this new product.

I also redesigned the packaging of the KitKat to be a muted pink to show a distinction between this product and the original KitKat

Because this is a billboard, I wrote copy that was more simple. The biggest purpose of this billboard is to introduce the new product and emphasize the all-natural ingredients.


Articles I've Written!